Job Description:
Cycles & Procurement Department's role is to manage relations with a multitude of suppliers, in markets that range from raw materials to packaging, logistics to media with the best possible conditions regarding total delivered cost, quality and service.
Job Responsibilities:
- The job holder in this role is responsible for the purchasing activities for all packaging purchases in addition to leading the CBU Productivity championing role and achieving Egypt RESPECT/SEDEX Target
- Directly Responsible for Six Packaging Categories (Flexibles, Bottles, Corrugated, Cardboard& Bricks &FFS PS)
- The role requires a good understanding of the factory operation, manufacturing, R&D considerations & requirements.
- The jobholder is also required to work very close to internal clients & suppliers to ensure the right specifications items are purchased.
- Manage & develop the relationship with packaging suppliers to resolve any conflicts that may arise during the contract period.
- Lead the screening, qualification and development of these suppliers
- Optimize the business sourcing strategies For the packaging Category
- Championing CBU Productivity role &Leading CBU Productivity Projects specially in Packaging Area
- Driving & Boosting Innovation pipeline is a key in a CBU which has a huge opportunity for growth which is a main objective for the Job holder
- Supplier continuous Evaluation through DANONE Group’s VEGA approach ensuring continuity and supply security through standard KPIs
- SRM: Supplier Relationship Management
- Support Category manager in the management of the different categories
- Manage and support key business projects, covering topics like cost reduction, quality improvement, sustainable sourcing and securing supplies
- Improve the legal and financial compliance of the spend in scope, covering aspects like specifications, contract approvals and general terms & conditions negotiations
- Supply markets analysis and scanning: improve our market intelligence and scan for innovation opportunities
- Develop and improve costs models of related sub-categories.
Job Details:
Job/ Career : Senior Packaging Buyer
Date: Jul 2, 2019
Location: Cairo, EG
Company: DANONE
Learn More about DANONE :
دانون, ( Danone ) هي شركة فرنسية ذات جنسيات متعددة ، وتعد دانون من أضخم شركات الصناعات الغذائية عبر العالم ويتمحور نشاطها حول ثلاث قطاعات أعمال: الحليب ومشتقاته، البسكويت، والمياه المعدنية. اتجهت في الفترة الاخيرة لمجال ألبان الأطفال حيث اشترت ..........( لمعرفة المزيد عن الشركة زورنا من خلال Meetup بالاسفل )

المقر الرئيسى : شارع هوسمان, باريس , فرنسا
العنوان فى مصر : المنطقة الصناعية الثانية, مدينة العبور, القليوبية
العنوان فى مصر : المنطقة الصناعية الثانية, مدينة العبور, القليوبية
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