Job Description:
Medical Marketing Executive .
To assist and support the Health Care Nutrition solutions and Health care strategy teams to complete their needed activities covered under the assigned A&P and corporate policies
Health care nutrition solutions / strategy activity Support - Egypt & Libya
Job Responsibilities:
- Facilitate all in-field activity related logistics (Group meetings / Stand alones / Sponsorships/ conferences and symposia) By getting needed approvals from respective managers (HCN, Regulatory, Finance, etc…).
- Create and Maintain approved Vendor list and assure fair dealing from all vendors and negotiate for best possible offer in co-ordination internally with other functions like SSD.
- Assure effective communication process when needed with respective teams within reasonable time manner for all related activities.
- Establish a clear way of vendor evaluation form to meet Danone policies and Standards.
- Create related P.Os, and prepare the required documentations for the payment run cycle on time.
- Keep an updated tracking sheet for the marketing A&P, annual activities / spending to facilitate monitoring and analysis.
- Planning and Management of stock of materials (giveaways, brochures etc)
- Archiving all ELN documents related to ELN events (conferences and standalones) in a chronological manner that is easily traceable and trackable.
Job Details:
- Job/ Career : Medical Marketing Executive
- Date : Jul 18, 2019
- Location: Cairo, EG
- Company: DANONE
Learn More about DANONE :
دانون, ( Danone ) هي شركة فرنسية ذات جنسيات متعددة ، وتعد دانون من أضخم شركات الصناعات الغذائية عبر العالم ويتمحور نشاطها حول ثلاث قطاعات أعمال: الحليب ومشتقاته، البسكويت، والمياه المعدنية. اتجهت في الفترة الاخيرة لمجال ألبان الأطفال حيث اشترت ..........( لمعرفة المزيد عن الشركة زورنا من خلال Meetup بالاسفل )

المقر الرئيسى : شارع هوسمان, باريس , فرنسا
العنوان فى مصر : المنطقة الصناعية الثانية, مدينة العبور, القليوبية
العنوان فى مصر : المنطقة الصناعية الثانية, مدينة العبور, القليوبية
مواقع التواصل الاجتماعى الخاصة بهم :
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